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Training practice

Brockwell Park Surgery is proud to be a teaching practice, helping to train doctors in the specialty of general practice.

Foundation doctors

You may be offered an appointment with a Foundation Year 2 doctor, this is a qualified doctor who is gaining experience in general practice and is under the direct supervision of an experienced GP. They are in placement with us for 4 months at a time. They have a GP supervisor within the practice (Dr Aileen Hickey or Dr Tom Nolan).


You may notice that one of our GPs is a registrar, this means a doctor who has chosen general practice as their specialty and is completing their last year of specialty training. They practice independently as a GP but have a named trainer who indirectly supervises their practice.

Registrars may ask you if they can video your consultation in order that they and their trainer (Dr Rachel James) can watch the video and the registrar can receive feedback on their consultation. These are kept completely confidential within the practice and are not viewed by anybody else. Reception staff will inform you if the registrar is videoing a surgery and you will be asked to fill in a written consent form before the consultation.

Final year medical students

You may be offered the chance to see a final year medical student who will shortly become a doctor. This meeting would take place before your planned appointment with your GP and give you and the student the chance to explore the problem you have come in with. Your GP will then come in and join the discussion as in a usual consultation. This is a great opportunity for students to meet with patients. Final year medical students and occasionally GP registrars or foundation doctors who are new to the practice may also be sitting in and observing during consultations with your usual GP.

We are extremely grateful for all your help and co-operation in assisting to train the next generation of GPs, however of course we understand that you may not wish to be involved in any of these processes at any given time.

Please let reception staff know if you wish to book in with a particular GP and you will always be asked in advance whether you would be happy to see a final year student, have another doctor sitting in on your consultation or be videoed.