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Register with the surgery

Registering with the surgery

To register with the surgery:

When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

Catchment area

Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.

You can also find out which GPs you can register with on the NHS website.

We accept new patients who live within our practice area which incorporates most of Herne Hill up to Brixton and across to Camberwell and East Dulwich.

GP surgeries are obliged to be able to visit you at your home address. It is for this reason that Brockwell Park Surgery is not able to accept registrations from outside our catchment area. The surgery appreciates that many patients never request a home visit but we have a legal obligation to provide this to your registered address.

If you move out of our practice area, you will need to register with a new GP in your area. In most cases you will have 4 weeks to find a new practice in your new area before you are deducted from us.

Also, please try to remember to keep all your contact information with us up-to-date so that we can contact you when necessary.

Temporary registration

Please visit NHS UK: How to Register as a Temporary Patient for further information about registering as a temporary patient.

If you are currently staying within our practice boundary and need urgent medical care, please contact your registered GP in the first instance to see whether they can continue to support you remotely e.g. by sending a prescription for your medication to one of our local pharmacies.

Related information

Named GP